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#DKGAME 2020

 Efter et års pause er her listen af udgivelser fra Danske spiludviklere DKGAME Jeg er blevet inspireret til at bruge Notion, men er ikke helt overbevist. Fordelen er den web udvidelse som gør det hurtigt løbende at tilføje spil. Men layout mulighederne er super ringe herefter. Hvis det bliver bedre fortsætter jeg med at bruge den, ellers er det Spiludviklingsliste igen. Jaime Monedero March har oprindeligt lavet listen af udviklerne, og jeg har fået lov til at kopiere den her: Det skal siges at det i år suverænt er Allan Christophersen som har bidraget mest til listen. Hvis du søger et sted at indstille dit spil til Spilprisen så kik her.
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#DKGAME 2018

A list of games developed in Denmark This is an unofficial list of all games developed in Denmark 2018, There is supposed to be an official one also, but I have not seen one from 2017, so this is just in case that there will never be an official one. This list is also a call to the developers to submit games that I did not notice during the year. The list is made from the collection of all Danish developed games, that lives at Note: i am not listing remakes, or ports to new platforms on this list. But this IS a gray zone, since more and more ports are made to utilize the platforms capabilities and therefore is more or less another game. Note 2: Early access and Alpha games are also not included on this list, so that they can be added when they are “done” TNT Guys JesperSB Kane's Revenge - a Cool BulletHell JesperSB Samspil Quiz Funday Factory Wartile Playwood games Gi' det liv - K...